The Hundred Wells of Salaga

The Hundred Wells of Salaga
The Hundred Wells of Salaga

by Ayesha Harruna Attah. This captivating novel is set in pre-colonial Ghana and offers a unique perspective on courage, forgiveness, love, and freedom. Here’s a summary and how it can benefit travelers:


  • The story unfolds in late 19th-century precolonial Africa, a time marked by local chiefs’ infighting and European outsiders’ penetration through alliances and promises of friendship.
  • The narrative revolves around two remarkable women:
    • Aminah: She lives an idyllic life in the village of Botu, daydreaming about becoming a shoemaker like her father instead of following the traditional path of bearing children as a local wife.
    • Wurche: The bold and politically astute princess of Salaga-Kpembe, who yearns for a more active role in her father’s court.
  • As their lives intersect, Aminah and Wurche face challenges during the height of the slave trade. Aminah is brutally separated from her home and sold into slavery, while Wurche navigates political intrigue and resists an unwanted marriage alliance.
  • The novel sheds light on the complexities of religion, language, and status, all set against the backdrop of bustling Salaga—a notorious slave-trading center with its 100 wells.


  • Historical Context: By immersing readers in pre-colonial Ghana, the book provides insights into the region’s past, culture, and social dynamics. Travelers interested in understanding the historical context will find it enriching.
  • Resilience and Empowerment: Aminah’s transformation from a daydreamer to a resilient woman showcases inner strength and adaptability. Her journey resonates with travelers facing unexpected challenges.
  • Complex Characters: Wurche’s struggle for agency and influence in her father’s court highlights the complexities of power dynamics. Travelers can learn from her determination and resilience.
  • Slave Trade Awareness: The novel’s portrayal of the slave trade—its brutality and impact on everyday lives—serves as a cautionary tale. Travelers can reflect on historical injustices and their relevance today.
  • Cultural Exploration: Through Aminah and Wurche, readers explore Ghanaian customs, traditions, and societal norms. Travelers can gain cultural insights and appreciate the diversity of human experiences.


  • The Hundred Wells of Salaga invites readers to engage with the past, empathize with characters, and reflect on themes of identity, freedom, and resilience.
  • For travelers, it encourages a deeper understanding of the places they visit, the people they encounter, and the historical forces that shape societies.

Whether you’re an armchair traveler or exploring Ghana firsthand, this novel offers a poignant journey—one that transcends time and leaves a lasting impression. 📖🌍✨

Ed Hotchkiss
Ed Hotchkiss

My goal is to travel to all the United Nations list of 193 countries of the world. For the rest of my life, I want to see and experience as much of the world as possible, while documenting it in photographs and observations.

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