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Stockholm Street Ridgewood Queens

Bicycling in Queens

Bicycling in Queens If you like to bike in order to explore, rather than just to exercise and put on miles, there’s nothing like NYC with its hundreds of destinations. This is particularly true with Queens, as it’s the largest of the five boroughs (Manhattan, Brooklyn, Bronx and Staten Island

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Central Park Horse Carriage

Central Park Guide

Central Park Guide NYC’s Central Park is arguably the most famous urban park in the U.S. It’s justifiably called an oasis with its outdoor recreational space for those living in a densely populated metropolis. Around 40 million peoplevisit every year to stroll, jog, bike, exercise, play, picnic, and every other

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Brighton Beach

Bicycling in Brooklyn

I love biking in New York City. There’s nothing like going through the five boroughs (Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Bronx and Staten Island), each with at least fifty distinct neighborhoods. This post explores a swath of Brooklyn for a three-hour bike ride (not counting stopping). Brooklyn was mostly known as a

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Biking in the Bronx

Bicycling in the Bronx

New York City is a remarkable place to bicycle. There are five boroughs (Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Bronx, and Staten Island), each with at least fifty distinct neighborhoods. While I’ve been restricted from international travel because of the Covid-19 pandemic, I continue to explore NYC by bike and am continually amazed

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Woman in Hijab with Black Lives Matter Sign

New York City: Black Lives Matter Protests

On May 25, 2020, George Floyd, a 46-year-old black man, died in Minneapolis after a police officer arrested him for allegedly using counterfeit money and knelt on his neck for almost ten minutes. There was a public revulsion over this incident In NYC, as elsewhere, resulting in demonstrations and marches supporting

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Never Give Up New York City

NYC: Emerging from The COVID-19 Pandemic

Nothing in my lifetime has affected world travel and my daily living than the Covid-19 pandemic. Tragically, it has infected tens of millions, killing over a million worldwide. The illness, caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus (a type of “coronavirus”) first appeared in China in late 2019. On March 9 NYC

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